High resolution PDF available here

Available at Bandcamp, iTunes, Amazon

Illinois-based Flashpoint Creative Arts Inc recently received federal tax exemption as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 

Co-founders Janice Borla and Jack Mouse established Flashpoint to promote greater understanding and participation in the art of improvisation with innovative artistic and educational experiences that draw people more deeply into the improvisatory process.  Improvisation is instantaneous creativity and problem-solving.  An essential like-skill, it has diverse applications not only in music and the arts but in many facets of daily life.

One of its current projects is a "Jazz as Therapy" initiative for students with special needs, in partnership with Little Friends of Naperville and made possible by the Rotary Foundation.

Please visit the new Flashpoint web page here.

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Rhythmic Counterpoint:  ​Complex Independence for the Contemporary Drummer

Book/Online Instructional Video

​Authored by well-known jazz drummer, clinician and jazz educator Jack Mouse, this book provides a systematic method of developing “complex independence” – the ability to execute complex rhythmic counterpoint on the drum set with maximum usage of all four appendages.

​Jack recently had an Interview with Ted Warren, on his popular drum set blog ‘TRAP'D.'  ​

"I'm very pleased this post to publish an interview with the great Drummer/Educator Jack Mouse. Jack taught at a camp I attended in my teen years, and was ( and continues to be ) a profound influence on my playing."

- Ted Warren

June 2017 Interview with Ted Warren


"Artful Dodgers"

Janice Borla - voice
Scott Robinson - tenor saxophone, slide saxophone, bamboo flute, gobichand
Jack Mouse - drum set, Chinese opera gong, Japanese hyoshigi, Sabian Zodiac gong, Sabian thunder sheet, Sabian tam-tam, Japanese densho bell, Slaperoo slapstick

With Guest Artist: 
Mark Feldman - violin


Jack Mouse